The Power of Your Name

For fans of Your Name Is a Song and Tomorrow I’ll Be Kind, here is an uplifting and dynamic story which celebrates every name through poetic verse and using the ABC’s.

Dynamic. Intentional. Powerful.

​These are just a few of the many words that describe your name. Bestowed with love, your name is essential . . . just like you. It is alive; it is the beat of your drum; it is a celebration of all the beautiful traits that make you so wonderfully you. 

Told through the ABCs with powerful, anthemic prose and breathtaking cut-paper art, Jyoti Rajan Gopal and Olivia Sua deliver a powerful assertion: that whatever your name is, it is alive—and the heartbeat of who you are.

Publisher: Union Square

Editor: Emily Duffy

Release Date: August 26th, 2025